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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Report: Texas Voters Say Voting Machines Picked Clinton/Kaine with Straight Republican Ballot

Several voters in Texas have said on social media that when they voted early, their voting machine registered a “Straight Republican” selection but marked Hillary Clinton as their choice for president.

From KISSFM96.9:

Early voting for the 2016 election started today (Monday, October 24th). The people of Potter and Randall County are taking this opportunity to skip the long lines that always file out of the voting locations on Election Day.

It’s common to see pictures of the “I Voted!” stickers on social media. It’s not as common to see the stories I’ve been seeing today.

Two voters from Canyon posted the experience they had while voting. Apparently, when these voters chose the straight Republican option, the ballot selected Clinton/Kaine instead of Trump/Pence.

Read the rest of the story here.


  1. There's ALWAYS a way to corrupt software without it being obvious to regular inspection or testing. Ask any programmer.

  2. I asked for an absentee ballot so I can prove I voted for the person I want. I suggest that for everyone.

  3. They're swearing up and down that it's human error on the part of the voter, and that they test the machines every day for accuracy.
    Could it be that the testing method and software, which is provided by the makers of the voting machines, configured in such a way as to cover up the "glitches"?
    If these people hadn't taken the time to examine their final page before voting, the errors wouldn't have been caught. How many didn't or won't?

    Be careful, people!

  4. Federal law allows you to ask for a a a paper ballot regardless....don't forget...

  5. Bring back paper ballots

  6. As the poser above said, YES is is accurate to say that there are ways to program code to flip votes and all of that non-sense, and they also have ways to have the code "eat itself" so that you can review the code and will never know it was there... If you are a govt programmer or someone with experience, you can get ride of every single piece of evidence to prove you where even in there messing with code...

    It is a damn shame that most of you need the media, or someone else to research something for you, when it is your job to do so... I find it funny how you demonized all of these people who told you there was fraud and your vote didn't count... Now explain to me how your vote counts when the machine changes your vote??? Explain to me how your vote counts when the electoral college puts in front of you, 2 people that are for them, and that you didn't put them there???

    You can pick between a red or blue Mazda, but what if your car of choice was a BMW??? Do you have a choice? Yes and No, you have a choice in the fact that you can pick a color, but is it your choice, that you have to get a Mazda when you really want a BMW???? NO!!!

  7. These must be machines pre-programmed from Soros.

  8. On election day, if your voting machine is a SmartMatic brand, DEMAND a paper ballot. George Soro’s now owns SmartMatic. You have the right to require a paper ballot, and under FEDERAL LAW the polling place MUST provide one for you. Don’t throw your vote away. Also check your vote before you leave and make sure it does not change. If it does report it right away.

  9. Gorge Soros owns the company that makes these machines. Enough said.


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