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Monday, October 31, 2016

Report: James Comey Went Against Loretta Lynch on Sending Letter to Congress

FBI Director James Comey went against Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s advice on Friday when he sent a letter to Congress announcing that he is reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server after new evidence was discovered, according to the New Yorker.

“Coming less than two weeks before the Presidential election, Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official,” theNew Yorker reports on Saturday.

“Lynch expressed her preference that Comey follow the department’s longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations, and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election, but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise.”



  1. She is just as treasonous as obama.

  2. He didn't wait for her to have a meeting with Bill Clinton first (this time).
    She is so corrupt he just bypassed her, smart move.

  3. Loretta needs to understand that Laws are made to be kept, policies are made to be follower or modified, and practices are something that some people do and others do not. Her ignorance is showing.

  4. She is another flunky of obama. Every person he selects for a position has been a real dud. None fit to take out the garbage.

  5. Is he finding his missing balls?

  6. she hasn't been there long enough to be aware of such a long standing policy...she knew if clinton got elected, nothing would be done

  7. I think he sent the letter for life assurance so that he would not wind up dead.


  8. All the insiders who saw or touched her emails will be deleting Ft. Marcy Park from their GPS.


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