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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Record 64.7 million non-English speakers in U.S.

Doubles since 1990, with Arabic fastest growing

A new report shows explosive growth in the number of U.S. residents 5 years of age and older who speak a language other than English at home.

The report by the Center for Immigration Studies, which breaks down new Census data, shows a record number of new immigrants in the country whose primary language is not English, and the fastest growing language is Arabic.

In 2015 a record 64.7 million U.S. residents spoke a foreign language at home – up 5.2 million since 2010 and up 1.5 million in just the last year. The largest percentage increase from 2010 to 2015 was for speakers of Arabic, Hindi (an India language) and Urdu (Pakistan’s national language).

More than one in five U.S. residents now speaks a foreign language at home, according to the CIS report.

“A common language is the means by which immigrant groups communicate with each other and with the larger society,” said Steven Camarota, the center’s director of research and co-author of the new report.



  1. That's great, diversity.

  2. Need free English classes, not just for non native speaker either.Some people mumble like they are holding a turd in thier mouths.and others speak ghetto language which need to stop..for reals...

  3. 1200 is a liberal. Why? Because they think that with $20T debt (meaning we're basically bankrupt) that there's still money to pay for free English classes. Um. Okay. If they can pay for an immigration lawyer and filing fees, how come they can't afford Rosetta Stone?

    1. LIBERAL..No your wrong honey..I will teach a classfor free if the idiots will come and actually try to learn..but most likely they will go around still sitting with thier thumbs up thier butt and claiming they don't understand.

  4. "I will teach a classfor free if the idiots will come and actually try to learn"

    I stand corrected. By the way, when I read that line above, I cracked up laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair! You rock! Apologies. (on computer no emojis)

  5. My great grandmother never learned English or so we thought. It was so she could talk about people right in front of them to her sisters without the person know. Well, unless she would occasionally say their name. It's a good intimidation tactic.


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