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Sunday, October 09, 2016

Question Of The Day 10-7-16


  1. Stuffed peppers, Mom thought they were delicious, me not so much

  2. Nothing.I was a pig then,am now and always will be.I'm like Mikey but all grown up and still eating everything in sight.I did however get a hold of a rotten cucumber when I was a kid,but it looked fine on the outside.It tasted so awful when I bit into it (through the skin and all) that I couldn't eat cucumbers for years afterward.

  3. Deer meat! It wasn't so much that I didn't like it, because on many occasions my parents fooled me by saying it was beef. However, the thought of eating the poor deer I saw butchered in my garage wasn't very settling!

  4. Liver, and in the day you ate it and if you didn't you got it the next night. Oh! for the good old days when you political correctness non-existent!

  5. Meatloaf. UGH!!!!!!

  6. Muskrat, saw the thing skin, gutted, with it head still intact in the kitchen sink, reminded me of an overgrown hamster without hair... and LIVER

    1. OMG the visual....horrible!! A naked overgrown hamster... ugh!!

      Hope they at least let you put a little ketchup on it first.

  7. Traditional Christmas Eve Dinner. Never meat. Always Baccala (salted cod), spaghetti with some butter, and maybe a vegetable. "White" was the theme and I never subjected our kids to this "tradition".


  8. Liver and fried egg plant.

  9. Liver and Onions. But at least my mom served it with stewed tomatoes. If you put enough tomatoes on it, it wasn't too bad. Kind of like ketchup!

  10. Nothing, mom was a good cook.

  11. Liver and onions and cream chip beef. They haven't past my lips since I was a kid.

  12. As a kid, my dad would say to me, "You'll know you're a man when you can appreciate liver and onions, scotch, a good cigar, and strong women."
    Never got that liver thing...

  13. okra made me vomit, so to teach me a lesson they planted the whole garden in it one year. My job was to hoe it and pick bugs off the plants. We had a whole freezer full. Terrible winter at the table. After I threw up in a bowl, Mom made me finish every bite.

  14. Nothing, Mom was such a good cook, she could have given cooking lessons to Paula Dean.

  15. I have to go with liver, too. But running a close second is something my mom called tunaburgers. It was pretty much a Miracle Whip tuna salad sandwich on a hamburger bun, baked until the house smelled like hot cat food and the whole thing turned gray.
    It was no wonder that I looked forward to school lunches.

  16. spaghetti, still to this day HATE pasta!

  17. Liver and Onions and hate it to this day.

  18. Liver! Mom was a great cook but why did she do that to us???

  19. Oyster dressing. Now i cant get enough of it.

  20. Liver and lima beans.

  21. Fish sticks. I had them once and threw up that night. I haven't eaten them since.

  22. We were lucky to have food to eat when I was a kid, and oftentimes we didn't. There isn't much food that I can think of that I would not eat. I used to hate liver but I got so hungry one time, I not only ate it but I cooked it myself. When you have a 50lb bag of potatoes to eat on all week you look at things differently.

  23. I was told to eat what was put on the table and that is why I never asked my son to do that.

  24. Liver and Salisbury Steak TV Dinners. The smell makes me want to vomit today.

  25. Liver, Cabbage Meatball, sour crought, pigs feet.

  26. Nothing... We all ate the meal on the table and were thankful to have it. Wild greens from the fields was a staple, along with home-made biscuits stuffed with molasses or butter.

  27. I drank to much Amaretto, was sick for 2 days. Now I can't even smell the stuff without becoming nauseous.

  28. OMG, LIVER of any kind. Mom was a good cook, but that liver I can do without.

  29. Liver and sardines! My mom would cook the liver for my dad but since she didn't like it either she made everyone else something else to eat. The smell of it cooking made me sick.

  30. 2:01
    My grandmother used to make dandelion greens. They were good! Now everyone just sprays them with weed killer. They don't know what they are missing.

  31. Beets and Cantalope

  32. Liver and Okra. Who knew a vegetable could be slimy? YUK!

  33. Industrial canned peas. I disliked the taste back in the dark ages and I still don't like them today. I also won't eat deer, rabbit, or squirrels. Growing up we had friends and relatives that loved to hunt and they would share with our family. I cried every time my mom fixed any of them.

  34. Liver and onions with Brussels sprouts and potatoes....or Sauer Kraut and pork roast...also beets and turnips..yuck yuck

  35. It's funny all the liver and onion comments, my mom made calf liver and our family still to this day loves it.

  36. Tuna Casserole and succotash

  37. You all are eating okra all wrong. Wash, cut off the stem end, slice, flour, salt, and pepper it, then fry it in hot oil. Just like eating popcorn, can't stop eating. You cannot boil the slimy stuff or put it in soup, no, no, no, you have to fry it.

  38. baked meatloaf. Why the hell ruin meat that needs to be cooked on a grill has a hamburger. REGARDLESS if its cold outside or not!

    Meatloaf - YUK!

  39. Peas and string beans. Won't touch 'em till this day.

  40. Oyster stew and clams

  41. 9:03 is on the ball! Fried okra is excellent, and so is fried eggplant. But I have to agree with the anti-liver crowd, that's prison chow! Or dog chow.

  42. I see that I'm not alone with Liver and Onions. I can't even look at liver in the meat section of the grocery store.

  43. Corn pudding, stewed tomatoes, and overdone roast beef that you needed a saw to get through and lots of ketchup eat it! Also overcooked lima beans. They used to overcook vegetables until they were mushy with little to no flavor!

  44. Liver and onion smother in gravy with red pickled beets. Ewwwwww!

  45. Tapioca pudding-Gross!

  46. Canned or frozen spinach. It's great in a salad, but mushy on my plate taught me to gag!
    Also Miracle Whip. My mom always told me it was mayonnaise, so most of my youth I thought I didn't like mayo.....until I had some, real mayonnaise.

  47. 1) Muskrat

    2) Boiled cabbage ( makes me gag just to write this)


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