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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Putin on Russia-US Relations Deteriorating: It all started with NATO bombing of Serbia / Yugoslavia


  1. The phillipines just pulled out of America support thanks obama.

  2. 2:31 thank THEIR President

  3. We have friends and family in Russia,and their news, albeit, it is state news, tells a very different story than we hear here.

  4. 7:03-RT gives accurate Russian news.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 20, 2016 at 9:21 PM

    Their news is state run news agency, well here we have CNN - Clinton News Network, ABC, NBC, MSNBC all of which controlled by Clinton's Master George Soros, who also happens to be the No. 1 "donor" to DEM Party, Clinton Foundation, Global Initiative etc. And then we have FOX who is scared of reporting the truth, under the threat of being shut down. So, very much the same, exceot in mirror image. So, keep in mind, the MSM will only tell you, what They Want to Tell.
    Time to wake up, Sheeple.

  6. then take "it" out on nato.


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