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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"Probably one of the scariest incidents I've had on the road"


  1. A car that was passing me came over in my lane and caused us to go into a ditch.Luckily we weren't hurt really bad, whiplash and bruises.

  2. This man had great driving skills, but I know he's thanking God as I am. Praise God no one was injured or killed.

  3. I see cars doing this all the time pulling over at the last second to exit the highway and braking on the highway or slowing down to make the exit when they don't need to. A car should exit the highway at highway speed then slow down in the exit lane. Unfortunately to many people with drivers licenses don't know how to drive. The truck did a great job not to wreck especially the driver of the yellow truck. The driver of the burgundy truck should have maintained his speed and wiped out the car. His actions could have caused a multiple car accident with innocent people dead. I still can't believe the yellow truck didn't flip. I don't understand why people can't maintain a steady speed on a highway especially now that most cars have cruise control. I see cars varying their speed by as much as 10mph in a 2 mile section of highway all the time.

  4. People have no regard for truckers on the road anymore, most truck drivers on the road today are excellent drivers. They are driving vehicles that are hard to stop and somehow people like the idiot in this video can not comprehend that. Unbelievable skill from both truckers in the video. Please people pay attention!

  5. Another community that does not get any road respect is farmers. These people are in the business of feeding their family and ours and people get hot headed and impatient with them on the road. Next time you see a farmer on the road.... roll down your window and wave a friendly wave. They are feeding you.

    1. Those farmers need to keep equipment on their fields. One tractor per field, one spreader, etc! Driving from one field to the other with at times 5 Miles between is stupid. It takes money to make money. They aren't in a rush to work like most people are. Some roads barely fit one vehicle yet alone passing around or head on with these monster equipment pieces. And the act scared to move off the road when a vehicle gets around them. Have you seen some of the kids driving these things? Smdh. More than an inconvenience.

    2. That is the dumbest thing I've heard since the last BLM "protest". What, are you from New York City or something??

  6. That's nothing when compared some of the stuff seen here.

    My favorite weekly posting of dash camera clips can be seen here.

    Sand Box John

  7. Drove a truck for 30 years, been there done that.


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