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Thursday, October 06, 2016



  1. for someone with so much money, you might think her wardrobe would be better looking. She's far from a fashion plate. Many of her outfits, like this one, are ugly.

  2. Now that's a good one
    Really got me laughing this morning for the start of my day

  3. Ugly is as ugly does...and boy is she, inside and out.

  4. Looking at the pants, it appears that she took the bedspread, too. This ensemble probably cost over $5000.
    I would expect someone wearing this to have their hair in curlers and a cigarette hanging out of the corner of their mouth.

  5. Did she walk out of the hair salon with that on after another one of her $600 haircuts?

  6. "I just took a break from scrubbing my servers to come talk to you today."

  7. I know about colorblindness, but patternblindness is a new one on me.

  8. That outfit is just as confusing as some of the things she says.

  9. The Democrats are waiting for a lightning storm so they can take the bolts out her neck.
    You know what I'm sayin'......

  10. So it's all about how someone looks and dresses that matters when choosing a President?

  11. She looks like she just got released from a long term mental health facility after she was given some clothing out of the donation box.

  12. 4:48, Yah, pretty much. If I were applying for ANY job in America, I would NOT dress this way! LOOK AT IT! Right out of the house and are there matching bedroom slippers? Just missing the curlers and cigarette. Good Lord!


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