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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Posts Every 7 Minutes, (or so) From 8 AM to 1 PM Today

There are so many important articles out there today we felt the need to publish them to keep you educated and updated. 

On a personal note, funny how so many women are now coming forward claiming Donald Trump allegedly groped them 20 and 30 years ago. I can't wait until all the other women come forward stating Hillary groped them too. 

The big question is, how can you prove someone is lying? The burden of proof should be on the women making such claims.


  1. It's obvious that the Clinton Machine is paying females to make the accusations . We know how she works now. We need some lie detector tests now , not later.

  2. The Clinton campaign is getting desperate. Now that Trump has pointed out Bill's horrible past, he needs to concentrate on HER many failings as secretary of state as well as her pathological lying.

  3. So you choose NOT to believe these women making claims against Trump, but you DO believe any woman making claims about Bill Clinton? Hypocrisy.

  4. Trumppppppppppppp

  5. How about hillary bashing christians on wikileaks ?.

  6. Glad The Donald has taken the shackles off, he is dealing with a nasty, dishonest crowd. They are wasting time and money, because I plan on running The Trump Train until it reaches our gated community.

  7. 7:51, Thanks for the laugh this morning. The women who charged Bill Clinton very publicly did so while he was in office. They did not wait 20 or 30 years and Clinton was impeached. Man, you liberals will say just about anything to defend a proven rapist who lied to the public about what he did and then attack Trump for made up crap that you people are so offended by. You people have mental issues.

  8. Putin is threatning WWIII if clinton becomes president.

  9. I'm a woman. Men have been commenting on my looks since I was about 12 or 13. Neighnorhood boys and classmates tried the grabby crap about that time as well. I leanred then if I dont want males to think I'm up for grabs to make sure they dont even enter my personal perimeter or may catch a punch in the throat. I have never ...ever...had a man just walk up and kiss me on my lips. You get and probably deserve whatever you open yourself up to, regardless of the situation. Most men, whether they are vocal or silent about it, are just horney animals. But it doesnt end with men. Everyday on the radio I hear local d.j.s, females, go on and on about what Luke Bryant looks like in jeans. Women are just as dirty as men, and I think they need to just start being more honest about it.

  10. 7:51 is a joke and a dolt anyway.This person is why we are where we are today.

  11. 10:03, Any man that touches you or enters your personal space is completely out of line. That being said, IF someone had done that to you, would you wait 20 or 30 years before you said anything about it? All I'm saying is, IF any man does such a thing and a person is offended, (in the very least) it would/should be reported immediately. I fins what these women are saying is rigged, especially just weeks before the election. No one is going to tell me they wouldn't have been heard by the MSM a year ago or even 6 months ago. They've been after Trump since day one.

    1. Of coourse I wouldn't wait. And those who do are either lying or were paid off at the time to keep quiet, and accepting payment to hush is worse than the action to me. And for the record I dont believe any of these twits. Or the Cosby accusers.

  12. The Cosby accusers did not come forward right away.

    1. Some of them did, but were made to understand that Cosby was powerful and influential, so it was in their best interest to shut up about it. Black privilege, at it''s most vile.

  13. I'm remembering all of the times that my backside was patted by women that I scarcely knew.

  14. The Trump supporters probably think Hillary put them up to coming forward too.

  15. Dave T: Thanks again Joe for everything you do. This site is offering an abundance of interesting and insightful articles that really are helpful. Thanks so much !


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