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Friday, October 07, 2016

Pieczenik: Clintons Behind Deaths of 10,000 Haitians

Bill and Hillary also scammed country out of charity money

Bill and Hillary Clinton are directly responsible for the deaths of 10,000 Haitians as a result of their Foundation’s incompetence and corruption in the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, says Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

“It was negligence,” said Dr. Pieczenik on The Alex Jones Show Tuesday. “They brought in Nepalese soldiers who had no idea what they were doing, the Clintons had no idea, Bill Clinton as usual was completely incompetent as was Hillary, and they had all kinds of cross-purpose activities going on.”



  1. and with hurricane Matthew hitting them now, there's more sure to come. The Clinton Foundation will reap more money, while the Haitians continue to have nothing.

  2. How many of the Haitians in the hurricane's path would be alive right now if the housing and shelter that was promised by Bill Clinton had been built? Instead the money went to his friends and relatives, who have raped the land and the people of Haiti.

  3. I saw several videos and I was amazed at all the trash on the ground. Not one person attempted to pick up the trash. I guess they are waiting for foreigners to come and clean up a mess they make.


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