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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Organ Harvesting Videos Damaged Planned Parenthood-Clinton Ties

Podesta to Richards: The tapes do hurt

Undercover footage of Planned Parenthood workers discussing the sale of baby body parts frayed relations between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the nation’s top provider of abortions, according to emails published by Wikileaks.

The Clinton campaign went silent after the Center for Medical Progress began releasing videos of Planned Parenthood executives candidly discussing organ harvesting on July 15, 2015. She broke that silence on July 23, defending the organization’s practices.

“I am hoping that this situation will not further undermine the very important services that Planned Parenthood provides,” she said in South Carolina.
That same day Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards sent a thank you note to campaign chairman John Podesta. The two had gone back and forth in the wake of the controversy and appeared to have a phone discussion on July 18—the same day that Planned Parenthood released an apology video on YouTube.



  1. When they were heard on the video saying we have to 'keep it alive' until 'we get the' organs that was when I realized there is no such thing as a moral democrat.

  2. She wants freedom of choice... for all poor minority communities.

  3. The devil can't help being a devil.


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