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Monday, October 24, 2016

NSA contractor to face espionage charges for 'breathtaking' theft of secrets

A former National Security Agency contractor's theft of top secret government information was "breathtaking in its longevity and scale," federal prosecutors said in a court filing Oct. 20 aimed at keeping the man locked up as the case moves forward.

The Justice Department also said it anticipated bringing additional charges against Harold T. Martin III, including under the Espionage Act, which would expose him to far harsher penalties.

The filing offers additional details about the enormous volume of information prosecutors believe he stole and reveals the Justice Department's concern that Martin is or could be in contact with a foreign government. Prosecutors note that Martin has had online communication in Russian and, if freed, "could seek refuge with a foreign government willing to shield him from facing justice."

"Given the nature of his offenses and knowledge of national secrets, he presents tremendous value to any foreign power that may wish to shelter him within or outside of the United States," prosecutors said.



  1. Setting precedent, perhaps?

  2. Why jail him? Just schedule a bunch of Congressional hearings for him until a couple of years goes by. I'm sure it will take him at least that long to turn over all his (Redacted) evidence.

    Isn't that what you do for everybody else????

  3. Extremely careless but I would not charge him.

  4. Ah, but where's the intent? Mr. Comey?


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