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Monday, October 31, 2016

NBC's Williams: Comey's Email Letter Didn't Just Go to Republicans Like Clinton Claimed

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” NBC News Justice Correspondent Pete Williams stated that FBI Director James Comey’s letter announcing the FBI is taking another look at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails did not just go to Republican members of Congress as Clinton claimed during his press conference earlier on Friday.

Williams was asked by host Chris Matthews, “[D]idn’t that letter coming from the FBI Director, didn’t that go to the Senate chairs who are all Democrats as well? It didn’t just go to Republicans?”

Williams responded, “It went to 16 members of Congress, the chairman — Republican chairmen and Democratic ranking members in the House, and the opposite in the Senate.”

Matthews then asked, “So it did go — it didn’t just go to Republicans like the secretary said just then?” Williams then said, “Right.”



  1. A hair-splitter. Give it a rest, hack!

  2. Ho Hum. Like we didn't already know this. She is a democrat. There isn't a democrat alive who doesn't lie constantly. There isn't a good democrat walking the face of the earth. They are all horrid people who serve no positive purpose in life.


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