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Saturday, October 08, 2016

More Illegal Immigrant Voters Discovered In Philly - "Just The Tip Of The Iceberg"

Over the past few weeks, we've written frequently about allegations of voter fraud from around the country. The key swing state of Virginia, in particular, seems to be a hotbed of potential corruption as evidenced by the actions of 19 year old "Young Virginia Democrat", Andrew Spieles, who allegedly acted alone to re-register a bunch of dead voters in his home state (see our post here). Then there were the efforts of Virginia's governor, and long-time Clinton confidant, Terry McAuliffe to register 200,000 felons to vote.

But Virginia, isn't the only state with questionable voter registration practices. Fraudulent voter registrations have been uncovered in Colorado, where dead people were found to be voting multiple years after their death, and in Washingtonwhere the Turkish-born, non-citizen who killed five people at the Cascade Mall massacre has apparently been voting for years.

Now, the latest voter registration fraud comes from the "City of Brotherly Love" where, according to LifeZette, an investigation by Joseph Vanderhulst, an attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, revealed that 86 "non-citizens" have been registered to vote in Phildelphia for years with half of them casting ballots in at least 1 election. What's worse, the only reason Philadelphia election officials were even able to identify the "non-citizen" voters was because they had self-reported that they were erroneously registered to vote after a trip to the DMV to get a drivers license. According to Vanderhulst's investigation, the DMV "errs on the side of registering voters" if there are any discrepancies on their forms.

Vanderhulst said city officials indicated they err on the side of registering voters.

"If the checked [citizenship] boxes are blank, they still register them," he said. "That's how these people are getting on the rolls … It's just too easy. Maybe it's supposed to be easy — but the price of that seems to be no discretion on the front end."


1 comment:

  1. Why no Voter ID? The mid east you were marked when you voted and the US agreed.


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