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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mook Struggles to Defend Clintons and State Dept. Over Haitian Rebuilding Contracts

Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook struggled Sunday to defend the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and the State Department from accusations of favoritism from donors to the Clinton Foundation for contracts for rebuilding Haiti after the 2010 earthquake there.

CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned Mook about emails that were released by WikiLeaks and show how donations to the Clinton Foundation influenced decisions made by the Clintons and the Clinton State Department.

“In an email that was hacked by WikiLeaks, and I know that the talking point from the Clinton campaign is this is the Russians trying to infiltrate, but beyond that there is the substance of this email,” Tapper said. “We learned that the King of Morocco wanted to contribute $12 million to the Clinton Foundation last year, but he only wanted to do it if he could get a face-to-face meeting with Hillary Clinton. Clinton adviser Huma Abedin wrote that the contribution was a nonstarter if the King did not get a meeting with Hillary Clinton. Now, ultimately Hillary Clinton did not make the trip to Morocco because the campaign had already started.”


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