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Thursday, October 06, 2016

Michelle Obama: ‘We Need Someone Who’s Honest and Plays by the Rules’ as President

At a Hillary Clinton campaign rally Tuesday in Charlotte, North Carolina, First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a fiery speech, taking direct aim at Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump. “We need someone who’s honest and plays by the rules,” Obama said, referring to the former Secretary of State as a good replacement for her husband, President Barack Obama.

At the event, which targeted young voters, Obama warned against those thinking of casting protest votes, saying “don’t play with that.” Her message: a vote for anybody but Hillary Clinton is a vote for Clinton’s opponent. To further stress how important each vote is, Obama highlighted how, in 2008, her husband won by only an average of two votes per precincts in North Carolina. In addition to warning people not to stay home because they are frustrated, Obama relentlessly pounded the young audience to make sure they are registered to vote.



  1. "We need someone who's honest and plays by the rules."


  2. We have been needing that for what, over a hundred years?

  3. She means an establishment yes man!!!! Her statement says exactly what is wrong with the system! They need a Manchurian candidate!

  4. It is amazing that there are people walking around that have no functioning brain

  5. How could she say that without the audience bursting out in laughter?
    Her buffoon of a husband, after promising us the "most transparent administration in history", immediately began to lie, hide, obstruct, and deceive not only his fellow politicians, but "we, the people", too.
    HE ignored the law, specifically instructed his Attorney General (OUR employee, by the way), to NOT enforce laws he didn't agree with, and let the IRS violate the law. The list of this kind of thing is endless.
    They continue to show they believe they can SAY ANYTHING to us and there's a great chance that millions will actually believe that they DIDN'T see and hear what they DID see and hear.
    "Honesty" is the VERY LAST WORD that can, in reality, be used to describe these monkey pretenders.
    Keep cheering.

  6. I bet she is a "hot mess" without all of that make up on and hair done all up.

    1. I remember the media stating when he was first running for president that they brought in a stylist to "soften" her looks. They thought was harsh and angry looking.

  7. She said it to a group of college undergrads and liberal professors. For them it was probably something that had them nodding their heads and clapping.

  8. "We need someone who's honest and plays by the rules."

    Right, that is why we should have never allowed the likes of the mess we have now in the presidency.

    Go back to never have been proud of America.

  9. so down with this trashy bigoted loudmouth pos! say goodbye already!
    gtf back to chicago!

  10. Yeah, and someone who will speak the unpopular truth and make others get butthurt. Oh wait....

  11. So, she must be for Donald Trump, right?

  12. Get out of MY Whitehouse B...H


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