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Monday, October 24, 2016

Md. Senate President condemns Gov. Hogan’s ‘my way or the highway’ approach

WASHINGTON — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot lashed out Friday at critics of a new executive order preventing school systems from beginning their academic year before Labor Day. But one powerful lawmaker said the governor, through his executive order, is picking an unnecessary fight.

Maryland Senate President Mike Miller said Governor Larry Hogan didn’t have to do an end around the legislature to change the school calendar.

“The general assembly didn’t push back on it,” Miller said. “We could have gotten it passed if the governor had had his act together.”

A bill mandating the change stalled in Annapolis even after a state task force recommended the change. At an event Friday in Bethesda, Hogan ripped lawmakers and education leaders who were upset by his executive order, which has already been revised once to close loopholes in his original order.



  1. Mike, just get over it. If it was going to be made policy anyway, it doesn't matter if you get to put your name on it.

  2. He's just following the example set by Obama.

  3. 12:47 exactly, he just wanted his name on it. "Helped sign ___ into legislation" for the resume.

  4. Bob Aswell.... RealistOctober 24, 2016 at 2:56 PM

    I spent 16 mos. in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division and witnessed probably some of the most inhuman reprobates on this Earth. I've yet to stumble across ANY life form ANY commoner than Mike Miller, OR Bill Clinton. The best news this State could get for the welfare of ALL the electorate would be the obituary of the TWO above. Bob Aswell

  5. Just the discussion in the state capital would have taken days and hours of time we pay our legislators to work on things that have much more importance.
    I'm sure that the debates would go on for weeks over mostly nothing, paid for by lobbyists who represent the tiny fraction of those not benefiting from the change.
    Hogan made a good call, an excellent call, really, considering that the People have been asking for this since forever.

  6. Dems still upset Hogan wont give 180 million surplus to union teachers to waste.

  7. Who were they Bob Aswell? Your commanders or fellow murders. Wasn't that the second war in a row the US lost?

  8. Democrats upset that great legislation was passed without their names on it. You hacks would have wasted half a year on BS and not passed it in hopes that you could spend another half year discussing it again.

    Great move, Larry Hogan!

  9. Thot that is a by-line for all the libs elected to pubic office.


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