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Monday, October 10, 2016

Maryland handgun licensing law challenged in federal court

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Gun-rights activists are challenging a handgun licensing law in Maryland in federal court.

Maryland Shall Issue, a gun store and four residents filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Baltimore on Wednesday.

They contend the law reduces Maryland residents' constitutional rights "to mere privileges." They also argue that the state's handgun licensing process is lengthy, expensive and invasive because it requires people to submit fingerprints to get a handgun license.



  1. about time.
    they should call it racist too
    if people cant be asked to provide an id to vote, how can a special expensive handgun license be allowed?

  2. MSI is growing in MD and is very active in the Fight. They are doing work in MD just like the NRA is doing Nationwide.

  3. Now lets get on the carry permit issue which is totally unconstitutional.

  4. Dave T: Three cheers for MSI, I will remain hopeful their lawsuit can restore justice and liberty !!

  5. Open carry in MD now !

  6. 9:32, that's not racist.

  7. I've known all my life that Maryland does not always follow the constitution. This is just one instance, and hopefully it gets corrected.

  8. 7:21. You missed the point. Point the liberal arguement back at the reqirement. If its racist to say u have to obtain an id card to vote and that is upheld how do they justify the expensive
    Requirements to obtain a handgun?

    In my opinion its really aimed at keeping guns out of all poor peoples hands, not just blacks.


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