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Thursday, October 20, 2016

LOL: Lyin' Media Triggered After Trump Says He'll Wait And See Before Accepting Election Results

Mr. Trump, don't you realize you're supposed to surrender this country to the international banks Hillary's plotting in secret with to destroy U.S. sovereignty?

Donald Trump didn’t go along with Chris Wallace’s demand he accept the results of the election regardless of whether or not Democrats commit massive voter fraud.

Instead, Trump told Wallace he’ll have to “look at the results at the time” before making any sort of concessions and until then, “I’ll keep you in suspense.”



  1. No media mention about Hillary pivoting on issues just about Trump may not accept results and sure this will go on until election day.

  2. Any normal thinking person would do the same thing. After all the e-mails confirming Hillary and company's lying, and stealing methods, no normal person would concede anything until it can actually be proven as legitimate.

  3. Clearly Trump WON the debate hands down

    Yet those who Still LOve Hillary , who thinks she does
    no wrong will Always say she won Don't Think So !!

  4. Didn't Al Gore and John Kerry and the whole democrat party boo hoo about election results for months?

  5. With all that has come out recently I do not blame him.

    Remember the "chad" issue. No one accepted that as gospel and Gore challenged it, all the way to the supreme court. And I do not blame him.

    Rigged is rigged.

  6. Trump is RIGHT and everyone knows it > that our damn
    Govt is CORRUPT

    The whole country knows it and is FED UP

    Trump may just win by surprising numbers Wait and See

    Many First time Voters are Not in those worthless Polls

    I am voting for the first time and so are many more

    Our country has gone to hell for way too long and We are
    going to Take It Back The New Revolution is ON

  7. The democrats are still boo hooing about 2000 results.


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