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Monday, October 10, 2016

Leaked Emails Show Clinton Campaign Coordinating With Soros

Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign’s coordination with George Soros’s Open Society Foundations on the subject of police reform.

Soros, who has given almost $10 million to Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, is a major funder of Black Lives Matter. The Washington Times reported in August that Soros has given at least $33 million to the group through the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which he funds and controls.

Both OSF and Clinton have called to crack down on police officers’ “implicit bias.”

As reported by The Daily Caller last month, internal OSF documents say the mainstreaming of “implicit bias” is meant to serve as a foundation from which to overhaul the nation’s anti-discrimination laws and make it easier to file racial discrimination lawsuits by eliminating the need to prove intent.


1 comment:

  1. Soros represents the elites who are international bankers.
    Hillary works for this group of people. They fund her campaigns.
    Hillary is working for Soros, not the other way around.


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