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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kaine: No Apology Necessary for Clinton Team’s Mockery of Catholicism

On Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week,” Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said there is no apology necessary in the case of the hacked emails of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s director of communications Jennifer Palmieri discussing Catholicism with a Democratic strategist, who said the religion has “severely backwards gender relations.”

Kaine said, “I don’t think you need to apologize for your opinions.”

Partial transcript:


  1. Will say again. Separation of church and state.

  2. I thought it was funny when he was called "Mr Pence" while visiting a group of people in a restaurant.

  3. I am a democrat you will see this catholic change her vote come nov 1.

  4. Good for you 8:22 AM, glad to hear it.

  5. Notice how he never answered the root question?

    It's a talent practiced by Democrats to prevent accountability.

  6. All you knucklehead Democrats out there this could be our next president if Hillary's Health fails.

  7. Kaine said, "I don't think you need to apologize for your opinions."

    If that were true then why are liberals always demanding conservatives apologize for theirs.

  8. Why a Catholic or any Christian would ever be or vote democrat is very insulting to God. The democrat platform is everything against Christianity. You can not be a real Christian and pick and choose what parts of the Word you want to follow. It doesn't work that way. This is one area where it is all or nothing. If you are a democrat and you go to any Christian church the fact stands you are doing nothing other then wasting your time. God will not bless those who just talk the talk. You must walk the walk.

  9. Goodbye, 2016 Democratic nominees.

  10. these politicians do not represent us. they do not represent what we want our country to be or to ve viewed as by the world community. these pols have their own agenda, their own goals and desires. they don't care about us. we can't see it yet but there is a 'force' behind them that tells them what to do and what to say. THAT is the real power.


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