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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton's 'Disturbing' Laughter at Lynching of African Ruler

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein blasted Hillary Clinton’s “laughter at the lynching of an African ruler” as “disturbing,”  referring to a 2011 CBS video clip of Clinton laughing about the death of Muammar Gaddafi.

Clinton “left Libya in bloody chaos,” Stein wrote.
Hillary's laughter at the lynching of an African ruler was frankly disturbing. She left Libya in bloody chaos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlz3-OzcExI 

Liberal blogger Mickey Kaus has similarly written about this clip of Hillary Clinton extensively, describing it as “devastating” to Clinton’s campaign.


  1. Hillary pushed for his death, even though elections and his stepping down after them were in the making. Her actions as SecState led to a destabilization of Libya and the rise of ISIL there.

  2. Clinton and that lying skank Susan Rice. There was another skank there too. I remember it distinctly. You don't laugh over something like that ever. Clinton and Obama supporters are the worst of the worst. Human filth who serve no purpose in society. If all democrat were to suddenly get out of this country it would immediately be a much much better place.

  3. 1110 while your language is harsh, can't say I don't agree with you. Democrats have done enough damage to this country (along with their RINO pals) to warrant such words. They have been asking for this disdain a long time. I watched a clip of Pelosi from back in 2010 going on about Affordable regarding healthcare. She's just utterly revolting, vile human being. Democrats deserve their just desserts, indeed.

  4. Yes, Hillary was as giddy as a schoolgirl when she gave that not-so-clever statement followed by her characteristic laugh. She looked downright pleased that she, as SecState, had interfered in the Libyans' hopeful emergence from their dictator's 40 year rule.

    Before Hillary, Libya had among the strongest of economies of all of the 50+ African nations.
    After Hillary, the country is in shambles, its people needlessly and brutally murdered, and the militant Islam hoards are growing in numbers and power to threaten the region and the world. In the big scheme of history, this all took place virtually overnight.

    This is on her, and only one sample of what she can do all around the world, particularly in underdeveloped countries (and to us), when given virtually unlimited power as president.


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