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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hacked email: Deploy the 'brown and women pundits'

One of Hillary Clinton's top allies wrote in 2015 that they should consider deploying "the brown and women pundits" to pressure the New York Times into giving them friendlier coverage, according to a series of private emails published by the hacking group WikiLeaks.

The Clinton campaign was particularly unhappy with the Times during the summer of 2015 as the paper reported at length on the federal investigation of Clinton's use of an unauthorized and unsecured private email server when she worked at the State Department.

In response to those stories, Center for American Progress PresidentNeera Tanden wrote an email to Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, passing along advice which reportedly came from Howard Wolfson, former Clinton communications chief and former senior advisor to Michael Bloomberg.

Tanden noted in an email dated July 9, 2015, that when Bloomberg felt the Times' coverage of his office had become unfair, he complained directly to the paper's publisher, Arthur Sulzberger. The Times' coverage changed almost immediately after that meeting, she wrote.


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