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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gov. Hogan ‘will do whatever it takes’ to keep Washington’s NFL team in Maryland

As Dan Snyder mulls sites for a new football stadium, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan made it clear he is fighting to keep the NFL franchise in his state.

"We will do whatever it takes to keep them," Hogan said to the Washington Business Journal after the Capital Region Business Forum on Wednesday when asked if he supports using public funds or tax incentives to keep the Redskins playing in Maryland. “I don’t comment on private negotiations."

Spokeswoman Amelia Chasse said in a followup email that Hogan's administration "has and will continue to conduct high-level discussions with team officials, including the owner, in an effort to ensure the team remains in Maryland."



  1. thier stadium is 20 years old? and they need a new one?

    if it uses any public funds or tax incentives then its time to get rid of hogan.

    if the skins want a new stadium, let snyder pay for it

  2. What will the team be called? How about selling the team names like they do the names of the stadiums. Let the team name be the Washington Verizons, or the Washington M&Ts, reflective of who owns the team.

    As for the stadium, if it's taxpayer money that pays for it, then the the thing should be called Taxpayer Stadium.

  3. Before any tax payer funds used on these spoiled brats that disrespect the US Hogan needs to focus on repaying the State Employees Retirement Fund that has been stolen for these type of political projects. If he does not this will be the straw that breaks Hogan's political future. I will seriously consider voting for anyone but him, even if it means to go back to a worthless spend happy DemocRAT that will continue to bankrupt MD.

  4. actually if either one of them want my tax dollars so this billionaire can enjoy even more breaks at our expense then I say he should have to discount every ticket sold to a maryland resident! f snyder the 4skins and hogan!

  5. It's time to stop funding these stadiums withy taxpayer funds. If this millionaire wants a stadium, let him pay for it.

  6. "We will do whatever it takes to keep them.."

    Boy, what a great position to negotiate from.

    Vote Trump!

  7. The whole NFL is exempt from federal tax!!! How is that fair to rest of us?? Then the billionaire owners want us to fund a new stadium for them to make more money. As stated fed ex field can't be more than 20 years old, now Snyder wants to keep up with Jerry jones and have an even more hidious pro spectacle

  8. Most of you have no clue about how these deals work. Go ahead, let them move stadium to VA and watch the tax revenues decline from the million dollar salaries and tax on salaries of visiting players. Also the loss of sales tax on concession/clothes/hotels etc.

  9. Oh 12:50 but it was OK for Maryland to take the team where it actually belongs, DC. Snyder doesn't care where the team is as long as he gets him maximum seating venue and a billion dollar plus stadium. He's an attention whore

  10. Like everyone else in the DC metro area, Snyder realizes that things are much better in Virginia for an enterprise of any kind.

  11. Hey gov hogan worry about my GUN RIGHTS.

  12. MD will never get its gun rights back. It is a redneck issue only on the eastern shore. The rest of MD won't let it happen.

    1. Not so.Carroll county and all counties to the west think just like the shore.

  13. I say let them go and use the money we save to work on court battles to make them lose their name. Get the last laugh on the jerks. I'm tired of billionaire sports team owners and millionaire sports team players getting all this taxpayer funded benefits.

  14. would he support the GOP candidate for the presidency?
    (didn't think so)


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