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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Former Haitian Senate President Calls Clintons "Common Thieves Who Should Be In Jail"

Despite repeatedly bragging about all the good work the Clinton Foundation did to help Haiti recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake, at least one Haitian, former Senate President Bernard Sansaricq, thinks it was the Clintons, not the Hiatian people, who benefitted most from the Foundation's "charitable work" in Haiti. Appearing on a radio show last week, Sansaricq offered a scathing assessment of the Clinton's track record in Haiti saying they are "nothing but common thieves...and they should be in jail." Per PJ Media:

Sandy Rios of American Family Radio interviewed former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq on Thursday, and the enraged Haitian had nothing good to say about the Clintons. He angrily claimed that they brought their "pay to play" politics to Haiti at the expense of the Haitian people.

Sansaricq said that the Clinton Foundation received 14.3 billion dollars in donation money to help with the relief effort. President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon put the Clinton Foundation in charge of the reconstruction, but Haiti has seen no help. The money all went to friends of Bill Clinton.

"They are nothing but common thieves," the enraged Sansaricq told Rios. "And they should be in jail."

As also highlighted in the movie "Clinton Cash," Sansaricq argued that the Clinton's did nothing more than bring their pay-to-play tactics to Haiti resulting in the enrichment of Clinton cronies, including Hillary's brother Anthony Rodham, whose company was awarded a lucrative gold mining contract.

Sansaricq said although Bill Clinton was put in charge of the reconstruction, he did absolutely nothing but give contracts to his cronies and built a sweatshop next to a goldmine that was given to Hillary Clinton's brother, Anthony Rodham, in violation of the Haitian constitution.

He said he could go on for hours about the Clinton Foundation's destruction of the rice production in Haiti because they were importing rice from Clinton's cronies in Arkansas. And rice is something Haiti could really use right now.

The Clintons also awarded the country's only cell phone company to another crony, Denis O'Brien, using taxpayer dollars. O'Brien has made 265 million dollars, and a substantial portion of that has gone back to the Clinton Foundation.



  1. I guess the rest of the country will be able to read about this when it comes out in the NY Times.

  2. Common thieves? No, they're uncommon thieves that need to be removed from society to protect it from further damage.

  3. He, of all people, would know.

  4. Believe us Haiti, we really wish she was in jail forever more.


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