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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ford To Idle Four Factories Due To Slowing Car Demand, Rising Inventories

Over the weekend we recapped some of the less than impressive moments in the recent US car industry history, which suddenly appears to be bombarded with a barrage of bad news: starting with Ford's disastrous August sales when the company admitted "sales have reached a plateau", continuing to the surge in delinquent subprime auto borrowershitting nearly a 7 year high as the marginal creditworthy car buyers disappears, then noting the record $4,000 in industry-wide new car incentives in September as preventing a plunge in last month's auto sales, and recalling last week's downgrade of the US auto sector by Goldman which said that the US "cycle has peaked"...



  1. Look closely at the chart. We're at a 17.4 million market and the drop after that is speculation. Wall street loves to throw out speculation to make investors move their money around

  2. High prices and outsourcing to Mexico! May your reap what you sow!!!

  3. 8:50 the manufacturing that was sent to Mexico didn't result in the loss of any US jobs, they introduced manufacturing for new models to replace those lost to Mexico. Them taking advantage of international laws to save money is no different than our candidate declaring a legal loss to avoid paying taxes. If there's a legal way to save you money wouldn't you do it? Or would you righteously give your money away


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