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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Food for Thought


  1. Ready to lock & load and the radicalized Democrat domestic terrorists are making it so easy to get in that way.

  2. While the quote sounds really good, it may or may not have been said by Washington:

    "Indeed, during the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, "citizens of Western Pennsylvania rose up to fight a new tax on the whiskey they produced," said Mary Thompson, research historian at Washington’s Virginia home, Mount Vernon. Washington was "concerned that success by the rebels would lead to a diminishment of the central/federal government," and directed state militias to counter the insurrection -- "citizen-soldiers," she said, "acting on behalf of the government against their fellow citizens."

    Our ruling

    The meme said George Washington said that "when government takes away citizens’ right to bear arms it becomes citizens’ duty to take away government’s right to govern." Experts say there’s no evidence that Washington ever said that -- and there are indications that Washington, if anything, favored the arming of trained militias rather than wide swaths of the population."

    Keep in mind that the state militias were very important groups at that time.

  3. Amen!! I have been stocking up on Ammo for a couple of years now. I have some high capacity magazines so I am ready to take it to the limits.

  4. 830 you think there aren't any now? With all this nonsense going on, I would bet there's many people ready to roll.

  5. Evil never goes down without a fight and it looks like the corrupt criminals are fighting hard but it's not working. All this unrest does is empower Trump's people even more.

  6. 839 is spot on. Trump to the WhiteHouse and Hillary to the Jail House.


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