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Saturday, October 29, 2016

First Day Of Early Voting Sets New Turnout Record

Marylanders set a new first day early voting turnout record.

State elections officials said 125,914 Maryland voters checked in statewide Thursday, crushing the 2012 early-voting Day 1 total of 78,409. That’s also nearly 30 percent of all early voting in 2012.

In perspective, there were 430,547 people who voted over all the early voting days in 2012.

The previous record highest voting turnout was in 2012 with 107,385 voters.

But voters who wanted to cast a ballot on the first day of early voting in Maryland did have to wait.

"It was time-consuming, you know, but it was all worth it," said Dorothy Williams, who voted early.



  1. No Wonder ...everyone finally sick of corrupt GOV't

    There are Alot of Hillarys not just one
    ....Keep this one OUT of WH once and for all anyway

  2. I think Hillary is going to be surpised when all the Trump
    votes come in.... polls don't mean squat !!

    Just hope our votes do count and corrupt Electoral College votes don't cancel our votes out......

    Electoral College should have to Vote as we voters say
    but who knows...they can even vote Against us.......


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