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Friday, October 14, 2016

Federal Judge To Decide Whether Officers' Claims Against Mosby May Proceed

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed three claims alleged in a lawsuit against Baltimore's prosecutor filed by five of the six police officers initially charged in the in-custody death of Freddie Gray.

During a motions hearing Thursday, federal Judge Marvin Garbis dismissed three of the claims: conspiracy, false arrest and false imprisonment.

The judge will issue a written opinion on whether the case will go forward on charges that Mosby made false statements to bring charges against the six officers to further her own personal interests, to quell a riot and for political gain. He didn't say when he'd rule.

Mosby's attorneys argued that she acted within the scope of her job and is protected against civil lawsuits by absolute immunity.



  1. The government is corrupt .

  2. In a truly democratic society, the charges would proceed without question. But we're a talking about a truly democratic society, not the parallel democratic society in name only that we have here.

  3. she sure has a "winey" face. Does not even act/speak professional. Hell Kurt Schmoke was even better than her.

  4. Whiny and probably winey. I'd guess a bottle or two of nice Chardonnay every night.

  5. Mad Dog 20-20 for her. She is more proof you can take them out of the ghetto but you can never ever take their ghetto behavior out of them. She lied and lied and lied from the very beginning of this until the end. Thank God that God did see what an evil devil on earth she is and sent a savior in the form of the judge to show both mosby and the black community that He is sick and tired of their lies and sick and tired of them. You would have think they would have gotten the message after God sent a just jury for George Zimmerman and just investigators who cleared the officer in Ferguson. God will not forsaken the good but He will continue to bring chaos to predominately black neighborhoods until they get back to Him in a real way.

  6. She should be made to pay all the damages from her political riot..without her rhetoric,the animals in Baltimore would never have been out destroying thier neighbourhood.

  7. Probably won't happen.

  8. She is a complete home. Why can't she defend herself in court


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