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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Contributed to the Rise of the Islamic State

During Wednesday night’s final 2016 presidential debate, Republican nominee Donald Trump repeatedly asserted that rival Hillary Clinton, in her capacity as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, “gave us ISIS.”


“Look at her real record,” Trump said. “Take a look at Syria, take a look at the migration, take a look at Libya, take a look at Iraq. She gave us ISIS because her and Obama created this huge vacuum and a small group came out of that huge vacuum.”

Trump argued of Iraq, “we should have never gotten out the way they wanted to get out.” He noted that the Islamic State was now present in “32 countries.”



  1. Thanks a lot, Hillary! More lives, more refugees, more $$$$ down the bottomless pit.

  2. There's no record of Hillary ever doing anything at any job that is of any good quality. She has a 30+ year history of not doing anything good for anyone but herself, her family, and her political friends. She stands to be the biggest and hungriest alligator in the swamp.


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