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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Exclusive: Hillary Killed Libya Peace Deal Over Personal Vendetta, Claims Whistleblower

Gaddafi agreed to hold free elections, but Clinton's refusal led to ISIS takeover, thousands of deaths, international migrant crisis

Hillary Clinton personally nixed a peace deal in Libya that would have led to free elections and prevented the country being seized by ISIS, all because of a personal vendetta she had with Muammar Gaddafi, according to explosive new claims made by a whistleblower who personally oversaw the negotiations.

Christian preacher Dr. Kilari Anand Paul is a global peace ambassador originally from India who is now a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Colonel Gaddafi personally invited Dr. Paul to Tripoli, Libya for peace talks having looked up to Paul as a spiritual leader since 1992 and having been impressed with the evangelist’s counseling work with King Hussein of Jordan and Yasser Arafat.

Dr. Paul arrived in Libya on August 5, 2011 with a contingent of Indian Members of Parliament and others on his peacekeeping team. Upon hearing of their arrival via press reports, General Wesley Clark encouraged Dr. Paul to try to negotiate a settlement between the U.S. State Department and Gaddafi in order to put a halt to the brutal conflict.



  1. A spiteful, crazy, debilitated woman is not who we need to lead this country.

  2. How many Libyan lives have and will be lost due to Hillary? Put those on her death list, too.

  3. If Hillary hadn't intervened, there'd have been an election, the country ruled under a democracy and the beloved dictator would now be vacationing next to a pool somewhere.


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