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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Emails Show Hillary Camp Freaking Out About Private Emails

A top confidant to Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta suggested the person who told the former secretary of state she could use a private email should be “drawn and quartered,” according to a leaked email chain.

“Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email?” Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, asked Podesta in a July 2015 email. The email was one of thousands released by WikiLeaks from Podesta’s hacked Gmail account.

“And has that person been drawn and quartered?” Tanden added. “Like whole thing is fucking insane.”

Clinton has said former Secretary of State Colin Powell suggested she use a private email, like he did, while serving as the U.S.’s top diplomat. Clinton also said she used a private email server for “convenience” and it was done in accordance with State Department guidelines. Though, she did say it was a “mistake” for her to use a private server.


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