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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

EMAIL: Delay interviews until Hillary in 'right head space'

Did Hillary Clinton’s staff provide more proof that there is something wrong with her head?

In the 10th round of John Podesta emails released by Wikileaks, one shows Clinton communications advisors sought to delay interviews with the candidate so she could have more time “to be in the right head space.”

Advisors wanted to put out a statement acknowledging developments related to Clinton’s personal email server investigation.

On August 8, 2015, Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri wrote to her colleagues:

Friends – I have an update and a new idea to share.

First, I spoke with David and the earliest we could put out a statement about the thumb drive and server is later this afternoon. He has a 2 pm call to resolve remaining issues.

I think our best course now is to hold our staff statement till Sunday afternoon (past Sunday shows), have Brian and I do a lot of tv on Monday to air some of the issues out and then not have HRC do an interview until Tuesday. She would, however, have to do a media avail on Monday. Two benefits of this revised plan – we have a better sense of press reactions before having her sit down and it is more time for her to be in right head space. Given where she is now, I don’t think it is realistic to expect that an interview on Monday would go well. Do also think there is a value in having staff take first round of questions on this. (emphasis added)



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