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Thursday, October 27, 2016

DSCC Forced To Pull Toomey Attack Ad Over False Information

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was forced to pull an ad attacking GOP Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey Monday for containing blatantly false information after a cease and desist letter was sent to television stations across the state Friday.

The ad alleged Toomey owned a bank that was guilty of predatory lending practices. The claim turned out to be inherently false, with Toomey just holding stock in the establishment.

The 30-second spot went on to accuse him of forcing 21 small-business owners out of their homes and using his time in public office to implement policies for his own personal gain.

In the letter sent by the Friends of Pat Toomey committee, the group slammed the DSCC for defaming the senator, stating stations that air the ad would be “violating public trust.”



  1. The damage is done. The Democratic nominee should be made to spend an equal amount of airtime apologizing for it and righting the wrong, if only partially.

  2. Democrats never play fair and honest. Democrats are all nothing but corrupt lying sleaze balls

  3. 1:10 yup thats what I thought.


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