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Saturday, October 08, 2016

Does Hillary believe Al Gore’s sexual assault accusers?

Former Vice President Al Gore is hitting the campaign trail for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, making him the second Clinton surrogate with a history of sex assault accusations.

Clinton is deploying Gore – “the very oldest of the old guard,” as CNN describes him – in a reported attempt to court millennial voters the former secretary of state has struggled to energize throughout her campaign by appealing to their purported interest in climate change.

Gore’s main claim to fame, of course, is “An Inconvenient Truth” – the Nobel Peace Prize winning documentary about global warming that film critic Phil Hall described as “a blatant intellectual fraud.”

“Clinton and aides have recently been pointing to Gore’s 2000 experience as a warning to young voters who are considering voting for third-party candidates,” Politico reports. “Gore also is a notable spokesman for the issue of climate change – a topic President Barack Obama has also been using to try to energize young voters.”



  1. The films now has a clause "not based on factual information" due to the fact 9k PHDs signed a petition stating such

  2. Al gore was worth 2 million prior to global warming foundation and his government back tour. He now is worth 250 million but of course it's a foundation. He also has several homes on the ocean.

  3. It doesn't matter what Hillary believes.
    What does matter is what Hillary will tell the public and expect it to believe.


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