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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Democratic Minnesota Gov. Blasts Obamacare: "Affordable Care Act Is No Longer Affordable"

Soaring Obamacare premiums and declining insurer participation rates in exchanges across the country have been a frequent topic of conversation for us (see "Obamacare On "Verge Of Collapse" As Premiums Set To Soar Again In 2017" and "Stunning Maps Depict Collapse Of Obamacare "Coverage" In 2017"). Now, even early proponents of the "Affordable Care Act" are starting to distance themselves from a policy initiative which is, at this point, a complete and obvious failure. According to CBS, Democratic Minnesota Governor, Mark Dayton, recently called for changes to the healthcare exchanges in his state saying that "the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable."

“Ultimately I’m not trying to pass the buck here but the reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable,” Dayton said.

Dayton says changes to the program are critical, as he stepped away from one of his signature political platforms.

“The Affordable Care Act has many good features to it, it has achieved great success in terms of insuring more people, 20 million people across the country and providing access for people who have pre-existing conditions alike, but it’s got some serious blemishes right now and serious deficiencies,” Dayton said.

Premiums for 250,000 Minnesotans, or 5 percent of the population, insured under MNsure will skyrocket by 50 percent or more on some health plans.

“I think it’s a good step that the governor is now admitting that most Minnesotans can’t afford this and I think that’s a good first step to us now being able to work together to take some action to fix this so that we can find a solution that will get Minnesotans the health coverage they need at a cost they can afford,” Daudt said.



  1. No sh@#..now health care for workers is also increasing..good job Obama..you just screwed up healthcare even worse than before..might as well quit my job and go on welfare like the rest of the deadbeats..at least I'll get free surgery and meds....

  2. While some Democrats live in Denial land, others are really good at pointing out the obvious!


  3. IIRC, he was one of Minnesota's senators when Obamacare was jammed through the congress without scrutiny.

    He is heir to the Dayton-Hudson company which owns Target. Get the picture?

  4. When you add 10,000 bureaucrats to an already overloaded system, costs cannot go down, they must go up.

    Those of us who read the Bill before it was passed saw and understood this concept, and shouted from the rooftops to not pass it.

    It took Democrats all these years of failure and ruin to finally realize their ignorant mistake.

    Will they learn from this? No, they will vote for Hillary to "fix" it.

    You just can't fix stupid.


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