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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Day 23 - Drip, Drip, Drip....

And so, space fans, here we are, DAY 23!

More emails are coming forth for another day in the Clinton Corruption Crime Family!

The following is a morsel of what was shown yesterday. Surely you will love the spills & chills.

Wake up PEOPLE, Lady Hill is going down the tubes whether you want to admit it or not. Couldn't happen to a more worthy person!

Dare to inform yourselves. Get a clue!

Regarding Personal Email Use by Clinton Staff while she was Secretary of State.

This snippet is an email sent to Podesta from a consultant. Lovely. Just how many people have looked at our National Secrets without Clearance? With Blabber Hill, it's anyone's guess. But yes, National Security is very important to her. Makes me sick every time I hear her say her BS lies!

Oh by the way, people shown at yesterday's rally were photoshopped in by a very bad graphic designer. Or maybe she's at a Ghost Adventurers' convention and those are shadow people! Some are saying it was around 200 people in reality. Observe:

Bill Clinton's Friday Night Ohio Rally - intimate party with around 50 people in attendance. 


  1. At Bill's rally, take out the press, the Secret Service detail, the Bill staff, the Dem Party functionaries, the event staff, a few gawkers, and it's almost Bill there alone with himself.

  2. The polls say there are MILLIONS of hillary voters.....
    Is the fix already in??

    Keep cheering.

  3. Podesta Done ...when Hillary reads the E-mails.....

  4. Hillary needs to know what Comey knows so they can plan what lies to create to cover the lies that she has already told.

  5. I have a question regarding the Wikileaks emails. Has anyone noticed that it seems that nary a soul understands the use of proper case when typing? I seldom see any capitalization. I suppose that they are too busy for that. Even MS Word/Outlook would capitalize proper names.


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