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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dairy farmers have tossed 43 million gallons of excess milk this year

America’s dairy farmers are crying over spilled milk — the 43 million gallons of it they have dumped in fields and elsewhere over the first eight months of the year as the US deals with a massive milk glut.

It’s the most discarded milk in at least 16 years, according to a report on Wednesday.

The reason for the spilled milk is that the glut has cut the price of milk 22 percent since spring, to $16.39 per hundred pounds on Wednesday.

At that price, some farmers can’t afford to truck the milk to market, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the sharp increase in discarded milk.

The glut is the result of a price spike in 2014, which persuaded farmers to bring more dairy cows on line, the Journal reported.

Milk cows have increased by 40,000 this year, and each one is producing 1.4 percent more milk than a year ago, according to the US Dept. of Agriculture.



  1. Why is milk so expensive at the store? Fuel prices are way down.

  2. That used to be made into delicious Government cheese. What a waste.

  3. And they pump these cows full of hormones to make them produce way more milk than they should.. which kills them pretty quickly.

    Maybe stop using the hormones if there's too much milk.

  4. There's no such thing as excess milk when there's somebody to drink it.

  5. It is a managed economy.


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