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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Crowd Manager Training


  1. What a joke. Glad I don't have any business interests there anymore. Why even complain about what goes on in Annapolis when it is just as bad in wicomico co.?

  2. So would you rather the staff of these places not know what their doing? @4:26

  3. Right to assembly, Constitution. Need to fight this.

  4. 9:15 What do they need to know? Occupancy is on business license. Don't exceed that number. Know where the exits are and they are required to have signage. This sounds more like a get everyone together and start talking about what they do or don't do....I call BS. What about it republicans for smaller government?

  5. Kevin A. Wright. LMFAO!

    Kevin Wright is no Fire Marshal. Wicomico County doesn't have a Fire Marshal. He is nothing more than a fire inspector with minimal training.

  6. The only Fire Marshal in Wicomico County is the Office of the State Fire Marshal under the Maryland State Police and Eric Cramer at the Salisbury Fire Department.

  7. Now, our "leaders" want us to "comply" with THEIR ideas of who can assemble and who is "trained" to handle the assembly.
    ANOTHER government hack who thinks THEY get to dole out our rights and do so ONLY after we have "complied" with their REQUIREMENTS.
    Keep cheering.


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