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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Couple seeks apology from Berlin police

BERLIN, Md. —A Maryland couple wondered what they did wrong after they were threatened with arrest by a Berlin police officer.

They accused the officer of harassment and unprofessional conduct, and that led to an investigation.

Ronshell Shockley described an encounter with an officer on the Eastern Shore, Lt. Jeffrey Lawson of the town of Berlin police. She said he threatened to take her into custody over sitting on a picnic table.

"I was shocked. I was embarrassed. I was humiliated in front of my children and neighborhood," Shockley said.

The incident happened in June at Henry Park in Berlin as Shockley, a local business owner, and her husband, Ernest Shockley, a local football assistant coach, watched their 13-year-old son play in a youth basketball game. They said the officer's approach and tone concerned them.

Lt. Jeffrey Lawson walks up, pointing at me in my face," Ronshell Shockley said.

"When he got within arm's reach of my wife, he put his finger in her face and said, 'Sit down on that bench,'" Ernest Shockley said.



  1. for sitting on a table? I don't get it.

    1. Obviously she was sitting on the table and not the seat which is Disgusting have some class.

  2. Can't imagine what this cop was thinking, unless it was a personal vendetta/grudge from past encounter(s).
    If you're gonna dick w/ someone:
    1) Witness a real criminal/traffic offense.
    2) Ensure there are no witnesses.
    This borders on silliness.

  3. They deserve an apology. Something is clearly wrong with the officer. Should he even be working if he is ordering anyone not too sit on a picnic table? The officer is lucky this couple handled themselves with restraint.

    1. Apology? This moron has no business on the police force. Fire him

  4. Geez, I get tired of the loud, dominating, high-pressure, better than you, power trip attitude that so many law enforcement members have on first contact. Chill out, maybe the people won't push back if cops don't use this demeanor. Approach as you wish to be approached and then escalate if need be. But then again, maybe they push so that you push back and then your baited into doing something you shouldn't.

    I wonder if ex cops make the annoying car sales commercials?

  5. Crucial in this matter is specifically WHO complained about them sitting on the table.Why doesn't that ever come out when a cop is under fire? Someone in a high position can raise holy heck to a cop about an issue,and when that cop acts on it the one who gave him the order is nowhere to be found.I know this type of reaction that the cop displayed and I know he was advised or ordered to fix the problem.That person should step up to the plate.

  6. Who gave the order? Who expressed concern to the officer about this issue? That person needs to be contacted because I personally saw that person being very vocal TO the officer about the individuals sitting on the table.Let's see if they are that vocal during questioning about it.

  7. I have a hard time believing much of what this couple is claiming. Too many times those with an agenda have been caught in lies. We saw it with Freddie Gray and also on live TV during the riots when the young girl claimed she saw a cop shoot a running in the back. Turned out the gun that fired was accidental coming from a gun on the man running. We saw it in Ferguson where they keep perpetuation the lie of Hands Up. We saw it with Trayvon Martin the lie being he was just out walking. Never a mention of how after Zimmerman was asked to go back to his vehicle he did where Martin then jumped him. They haven't in them to ever tell this side of the story. The list goes on of the lies and if they are telling the truth they have absolutely no one but some within their own race to blame that they are being viewed with suspect.

    1. If you read the article the department released an apology and stated the officer was reprimanded. Not to mention Ernest or "Ty" as I know him is a gentleman Donald Trump would be fond of. All around good dude.

  8. I'm sure there are two sides to the story. A perfect example of the need for cameras on police. Also tables are for glasses not a$$es. Although I would bet all that were involved in this acted that way.

  9. disband the police department and fend for yourselves.

  10. if a cop said to me, "excuse me, please don't sit on that table".....I'd move, no problem. Being told politely is so much better than this weird authoritarian vibe cops spew now... I really hate this "barking" mentality government/police have now. Signs used to say, "buckle up" or please buckle up...now they say, "click it or ticket"...

  11. There's got to be more to this story.
    Like to hear the cop's side.

  12. Would you like to set your food down where someone's butt has been? Maybe even farted?

    There is a right way and a wrong way to sit at a table, it is quite obvious that her parents have not taught her the proper manners.
    If she fell off the table and got hurt, I bet they would try to sue to get a few bucks. This is why he enforced the rules of proper use of a piece of park property.
    With everyone complaining here, would you still complain if the officer had told her to quite sitting on the top edge of the fence, she could fall and injure herself?

  13. What difference does it make who complained? The officer was dead wrong to approach it the way he did! The law enforcement today are clearly out of control. I know they come across some very disturbing encounters but a person sitting on a picnic bench? He must have been trained by Mike Lewis at some point in his career.

  14. Same reason they drive fast and never get out of the fast lane, power trip. Just assume most cops are a-holes and keep your distance.

  15. Just when they come out with a report of how much people support and respect police, shit like this comes out and destroys what good cops have built. I don't care about that saying "one bad apple", every profession has a bad one, can't condemn all for the acts of the few, and similar comments. When a person comes into contact with ONE bad cop that is one too many and all the excuses in the world will not make them feel better or justify anything. By the dept's own admission, this cop acted wrong, their policy for reporting bad cops and bad behavior is flawed, etc. That's great that they acknowledge it and say they are taking corrective action. I applaud them for that. If possible, they need to be more transparent and disclose more facts and actions they take, reasons for such actions and facts and reasons for any action NOT taken. This is a small police force but the ramifications can be felt nationwide. These so called "few" bad cops endanger not only the public at large but also the good cops out there doing it the correct way. I feel there needs to be less protecting these bad cops and more firings and decertifications of police powers of these types of individuals and end the job hopping when bad behavior is discovered, corrected, and addressed. Every cop, good and bad, wants to go home alive at the end of their shift. But these bad ones put not only their own survival at risk but also the good ones. It would be self-preserving for good ones to weed out the bad ones themselves. And that in itself can and does have negative impacts on the good cops careers, safety, and function. I salute the good cops out there and wish them the best and hope I did not offend any of them with this statement. But continued actions of these bad cops need to be addressed MORE and with more escalating punishment of same.


  16. Here we go with the "Civil Rights" again. Frankly its getting old !! I'm guessing theres much more to this story than whats being told by BOTH sides!!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Would you like to set your food down where someone's butt has been? Maybe even farted? October 26, 2016 at 10:34 AM

    That has no impact on anything. It is all in the mind of the observer. If someone sat like that and no one knew, it would have no impact. Unless it was crowded and other people wanted to sit at a table also, it makes little difference on how anyone sits at a picnic table. Is it now a part of a policeman's official duties to go around and police how people sit at a PICNIC TABLE?

    I think not. Other factors were at work here but I won't speculate on what they might be, even though I have a few in mind.

    1. She was sitting ON the table where people EAT.

    2. & you have never seen kids and adults or animals sit on picnic tables? Lol get out of here

  18. I actually know these people, and I can honestly say that they would never instigate a problem.

  19. I agree with 10:30 in that there is more to this story. Joe, can you get it for us, please?

  20. For the people that know this particular officer, it isn't surprising.

    1. He is as kooky as they come. A bad apple!

  21. The couple complaining are black. The author of the article is black. The police officer is white. Only the side making the allegations are being heard, nothing from the officer, yet the majority of comments automatically slam the police officer. Such a sad commentary of the time that we now live in. Many times in today's touchy-feely society a citizen's feelings get hurt when a police officer doesn't bow down or kiss their ass. Sorry but that's not the way it works.
    I'm not naive enough to believe all police officers are good, but the majority of good police officers far outweighs the bad ones. Millions of good police officers work around the clock, on weekends, on holidays, in all different types of weather, while the majority of American citizens are cozy in their homes.
    So like in this article, you have those that read it and without having been there or without hearing the officer's version, write negative comments lumping all police officers as bad apples. There are good teachers and bad ones, good dentists and bad ones, good authors and bad ones, etc.

    1. Amen. Only one side heard there's more to this story than reported.

  22. Ernest and Ronshell Shockley. Who are these people? This article would have you believe they are just your average, law abiding citizens, out for a day in the park. Instead of buying into everything you hear or read, do yourself a favor. When you have a few minutes, go to MD Case Search and take a look at both Ernest and Ronshell Shockley's criminal and traffic histories. Neither one are new to the criminal justice system. Do you think maybe they don't like the police?

  23. 99.9% of his dealings with the courts are as a bondsman and they were no doubt well known to the officers involved and most likely not liked by the local police because they bail out bad guys!

  24. Maybe he was mad because Andy took the one bullet he had out of his pocket. These cops aren't real police. They just think they are. Maybe he was looking to serve a "bench warrant". Lol..lol.

    1. Lol ur obviously a cop hater until u need one Thug.

  25. HEY DONT sit on a picnic table its for EATING not your A..

  26. For those of you saying there is more to this story and would like to hear this cops' side, have you not read the article? It was investigated by a third party, the sheriff's office. Fault was found on the cops' part by way of violating departmental policies, at the very least.

    The cop has had his say. Obviously his say wasn't good enough.

    And to those who say they are tired of civil rights, you don't know just how close we are to all of us losing them. I am sorry you are tired of hearing "this old thing" but I for one am not. I like my rights and wish to keep them. I am glad this couple, and others around this country, stand up for their rights as it also helps to protect mine.

  27. So she was sitting on the table. Big deal! It is a picnic table. It's not like it is sanitary. It is out in the open. It rains, birds fly over and poop on it. Wild animals could have walk on it. The list goes on and on. The officer was wrong to do what he did.

    1. So cam i sit on the hood of your car ?

    2. & most of these omg citizens have too sat on pinic tables. Lol. Faking...

  28. Also can i change a kids diaper on the table then you can come over and set up your food on it ? I bet you would find another table hypocrite.

    1. If u need to. Only a petty person would want one to change a baby on the ground. You so clean, you should have a liner for the table anyway. Trust im sure teenagers/adults have done more on your public picnic tables. Enjoy

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Obviously she was sitting on the table and not the seat which is Disgusting have some class.

    October 26, 2016 at 1:38 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She was sitting ON the table where people EAT.

    October 26, 2016 at 1:34 PM

    You are funny. As if their sitting on the table has anything to do with any food being eaten. Even if people ate their food directly off the table and not from plates and dishes, it would not make any difference at all, especially since it is an OUTSIDE table.

    What you people are describing is manners, not any health issues. And the article does not even mention anyone trying to eat at said table, or anyone else sitting at the table that I recall.

    I think it's kind of obvious what the real objection is at play here. Regardless, an investigation has been done, by people who KNOW the facts, and a decision was made and at least one more will be forthcoming.

    I hope that one does not disagree with your dainty views and sense of fair play. lol. Have a glorious day.

  30. How do you police critics know what the officer did? I don't because I was not there. Did you ever think the next stop likely would be sue the officer, the town of Berlin, BPD, maybe the witnesses or animals that have walked on the table. Perhaps wikileaks will track us readers down and the complainant may sue us. Shake the heck out of anything moving and get what change falls out. I see the M.O. coming in the future for "Burlin"

  31. This "lieutenant" is a horses ass! No other agency will back him up, his people skills were left in West Virginia where he came from. Add to that he just went through a hard personal problem, equates to an attitude not fit for a police officer.

    1. Right you are! Horses ass is the best descriptive phrase for him I have seen in a while!

  32. If that couple is waiting for JD to apologize, they will grow old first.

  33. I work with this officers wife, a State Trooper. This is no surprise to anyone that knows him.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lol ur obviously a cop hater until u need one Thug.

    October 26, 2016 at 1:33 PM

    lol and here comes these professional heroes again. Ever stop to think maybe someone needed THIS cop but he was too busy harassing people who he didn't think sat on a picnic table correctly?

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Obviously she was sitting on the table and not the seat which is Disgusting have some class.

    October 26, 2016 at 1:38 PM

    Oh heavens to betsy. Such a horrible and drastic thing. Let's call the cops.....oh wait

  36. For what it's worth, this cop is disliked by a lot of white people in Berlin, and I would say the opposite about this couple.

  37. Yea who cares if she is sitting on the table??? If you are more concerned about her sitting on the table then an unstable cop who carries around a weapon you need to get a grip.

    I support law enforcement, they have a difficult job to do. Protecting a society that constantly belittles their job. But this is across the line. Who cares about the identity of the person that complained? The officer approached this in an incorrect manor (proven by the independent investigation) and acted like an ass.

  38. We would be better off to have the Sheriff office handle our police work and save almost 2 million per year plus the multi million dollar new police station our town raxes will be going up more and more with all this spending

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Also can i change a kids diaper on the table then you can come over and set up your food on it ? I bet you would find another table hypocrite.

    October 26, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    I'm sorry but you are just stupid. And you are not alone.

  40. Unknown, it doesn't matter the cops side of the story. The sheriff's dept had to find the way they did or face the consequences of these types. Did you not see how they tore up Ferguson and Baltimore???? Why take the risk and have innocent people's businesses destroyed and costing the tax payers millions. These people have no limits to their agenda and they are to not be trusted.

  41. The point your missing is not if she should have been sitting on the table, it's how the arrogant pompous rental cop handled it. Lt. Lawson is not community friendly at all, and that's the problem with today's policing. He is an A**, and has not ONE defender on his side.

    1. So why DONT you ALL call his boss ? Bc your chicken S..T

    2. Yup libs hate cops they say he is a bad guy but nobody picks up a phone, where is your dining table so i can sit my A.. on it.

    3. Because his uncle tom boss is no better

    4. Everyone hates cops that act like this clown. No other department would tolerate his attitude. He's a well-known jerk.

  42. I do not want your BAM sitting where my food may be placed. Or any white a-s matters either. While we be at it, take that darn cap off while dining inside or out.

  43. Not setting a good example for the town voted the most friendly town in MD. Please when this happens people pull out your cell phone and record. We need to weed out the bad apples in all police departments. He needs anger management classes and a demotion.

  44. 10:09 Now that's funny, Lawson could teach anger management, just go and push someone around, makes you feel much better. As stated, old "grumpy" as he's known, will never change.

  45. ya boy's keep going, and the hillbilly gonna blow a gasket, then ya be sorry! Just razing you brother, these idiots don't know the real you!

  46. This unfortunate incident involved three people months ago. I am sure that Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous were not present at the time. If you cannot put your name on your negative comments then you are a coward at heart. I hope the officer and the people from the park realize this and do not buy into the BS on this blog. Sarah Fisher.

  47. Well, Sarah Fisher, do you know Jeffrey Lawson? If so, you can't deny he's got a serious attitude. Seriously ?

  48. Well I just called DNR two days ago to let them know someone was in the vacant property next to ours mocking me in the woods and possibly leaving dead smelly animals in and around the property. The officer informed me that they were not going to do anything about it and you just have to deal with "butt heads" as neighbors sorry. I said well then maybe I should get a horn and blow it to keep the deer away. The officer told me well then we will come and arrest you for disturbing the peace! So it is ok for me to get a shotgun and shoot it on my property anytime I want but if I disturb the hunters I am going to jail. Well then shotgun it is!!

  49. I called and reported it to Worcester in Snow Hill and they were very concerned and polite. Thank you!

  50. I bet whoever from the sheriffs office investigated this, is no longer on Lt. Lawsons Christmas list. No loss, that's a very short list anyway.

    1. JD Doesn't celebrate Xmas, he'd rather bully us poor black folk.

    2. Seriously, this is not true. I know JD well, and have never found him to be one bit prejudice. Now, I will add, as far as being nasty, he's that way to everyone.

  51. These people have accomplished what they wanted , they now have media attention , thanks BLM.

    1. I can't stand BLM, but this is not the case here. This is about a cop that doesn't know how to talk to people, or show some respect.

    2. 900 am based on what? You have no idea this happened! To funny

  52. I'm sure there is more to the story , I'd wager she was ignorant and trying to provoke the officer based on how I see the police being disrespected for doing their job these days.

  53. I'd like to know the real story.

  54. As a kid...my mom and dad would tell me..." Tables are for glasses, not a$$es....As noted above, there are two sides to every story...Wanna be King Obama has divided our Country by Race, Sex, Religion, ect...and Obama has caused many deaths with police and citizens with his ROSE COLORED GLASSES. I do agree maybe the officer's approach seemed hostile, but our Government has caused chaos as in the days of the civil war b/w people....VOTE TRUMP TO DRAIN THE RACIAL CESSPOOL WE HAVE IN DC...HILLARY FOR PRISON IN 2016!

  55. This is why I'm voting democrat I just need ONE side of the story. I COULD CARELESS to hear the whole story, investigation, witnesses, videos etc. I think based on what she said the Lt should go to prison for life. Again I don't care about the TRUTH. CNN is probably the most accurate news station.

  56. TEN pages of record, NINE of which are CRIMINAL?

    Model citizen wants an APOLOGY?

    For what, setting up for the next arrest and trial?

    Some of us have different careers than this woman has...

  57. J.D. has always acted as if it is his private laws he enforces. The laws are the law of the land. The man makes it way to personal. There are some great police in Berlin I do not get how this guy got promoted.

  58. I cannot believe there are this many comments on this topic. All of you run your mouths on here with the only accomplishment from it being that you stir the shit pot. Don't get me wrong it's amusing to scroll through. But when's the last time any of you ate food at a public picnic table? I'm amazed at how somebody even wanted Joe to get the rest of the details about this incident. Is your life truly tht miserable and dull? If so go right ahead.

  59. Sue for one hundred million dollars hell that what u do these days. Buy your own park and park ur a.. right on top of that table.

  60. I'd wager she was arrogant. racist attitude against white people.
    Awful lot of financial judgments against this pair of "Model Citizens".


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