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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Clinton cronies steered millions to foundation — and Bill’s wallet

Two Bill Clinton cronies used their private consulting firm to steer millions in business to the former president while raising funds for the Clinton Foundation — and even called the arrangement “Bill Clinton Inc.”

Doug Band, a top Clinton aide, detailed the complex financial arrangement between his company, Teneo, and the foundation in a memo contained in hacked e-mails released Wednesday by WikiLeaks.

“Teneo partners have raised in excess of $8 million for the foundation, more than $5.25 million of which is in the bank,” the memo reads.

“Teneo partners also have generated over $3 million in paid speeches for President Clinton, $1.25 million of which has been paid to him thus far.”


1 comment:

  1. Early voting on the same day evening news breaks the story of FBI opening investigation on Hillary Clinton giving terroist top secret information. And she still getting votes and allowed to run. Makes me sick. Democrats have thrown their own party to the wolves Donald Trump has exposed the CORRUPTION at the White House and main stream media like nobody in history. CNN will NEVER recover and if it wasn't for SBYNEWS we wouldn't no half of it....


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