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Friday, October 14, 2016

Catholic adviser: Hillary must apologize for ‘bigoted’ emails

'We should all be grateful that we're getting a preview of this before Election Day'

Top Clinton campaign officials are under fire after the latest batch of emails from Wikileaks referred to the Catholic Church as a “Middle Ages dictatorship,” suggested some conservatives convert to Catholicism out of political expedience and that Clinton’s campaign chairman considered the creation of nominally Catholic organizations to erode support for the church itself.

Two exchanges among the latest batch of 1,200 emails released by Wikileaks are drawing the most scrutiny on this issue. The first came in 2011 in an email from John Halpin of the Center for American Progress to John Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri. Podesta is now Clinton’s campaign chairman, and Palmieri is a top spokeswoman.

After mocking News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch for having his Catholic children baptized in the Jordan River, Halpin broadens the discussion.

“Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups,” wrote Halpin.

“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” he continued.

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals,” replied Palmieri.



  1. Wake up, Catholics!
    Hillary is not on your side, and neither is the National Democratic Party!
    Vote for your local or state Dems if you want, but a vote for Hillary is a vote to put the Church in a dark back room with the door locked.

  2. I always thought Sharia was like a "Middle Ages dictatorship".

    Boy, was I wrong!

  3. Every church will go that way. The Church isn't compatible with Marxist doctrine except as another measure of government control of the people.

    (Funny, but when was the last time we saw a photo of Bill and Hillary Clinton leaving a church service, other than when they're campaigning, paid to speak, or doing a holiday PR photo shoot?)

  4. I am a cradle to grave Catholic. My mom instilled a devout faithfulness and my brothers and I served mass (when Latin was the prayer set)and my sister played the organ. My dad converted in his late 70s which quite literally took me by surprise. I love the rite of mass and the holiness of our beliefs. I also appreciate the worship of evangelicals and their beliefs that eternal salvation is through Christ. Palmieri professes to be a Catholic; or hypocrite. It is a sad day in America where those of us who "believe" are quite literally challenged to change our views and beliefs. I could never give up my faith. Other hypocrites are those who profess to be devout Catholics (Tim Kaine) yet promote right to choose because it is politically correct.

  5. What does an apology mean from a LIAR? Good grief, use common sense.

  6. 1210
    Exactly. Thank you

  7. We don't need her "apology".

    We need her to go see her Creator, and leave us all alone until she does.


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