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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Busted! Bill Clinton's Face When Trump Brings Up The Rape Allegations Is Priceless.


  1. A brilliant move! Forcing the MSM to cover something that they ordinarily would avoid like the plague.

  2. Bubba looks scairt!

  3. He doesn't get that look often enough. I don't think he even had it when he "apologized" to the American people after being caught lying about Lewinski.

  4. Clinton is a great manipulator. He's the kid who takes six cookies instead of just the one allowed to other kids and somehow leaves the person with the cookie jar with a smile on their face. Hillary doesn't have that knack and needs Bill for it.

  5. Republicans should never agree to these debates with liberal media choosing who will ask questions. All should be done in a nonpartisan way and let all networks carry them.

  6. Another brilliant move by Mr. Trump. He's "slicker" than ole willy boy, and doesn't even have to lie.

  7. Trump should have all their victims there every debate. Problem is, there would be no room for anyone else.


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