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Saturday, October 08, 2016

Businessman utterly destroys liberal on free college tuition


  1. What's unfortunate is the dumbed down American public most esp these "millennials" coming out of public institutions like SU can't seem to understand that what difference does it make if college is free or not when there are no jobs.

  2. she OBVIOUSLY has a college degree - the view from the entitlement ivory tower proves, once again, the most-highly educated amongst us have no clue

  3. These college graduates are ignorant and stupid. They do not have a clue. Most of them can't even tell you who is running for President. I am sixty years old worked in a retail store. The store hired a college graduate from Salisbury University with a great resume. The poor girl could not take ten per cent of ten dollars without a calculator. She told me a lot of students getting ready to graduate can't pass the test they take to teach in Maryland. She told me I could probably pass it because I was pretty smart. Well I probably couldn't pass it but compared to her I was a genius because I could do simple math in my head. This is what colleges are putting out we are wasting our money on education because all it does is dumb down the kids. So they will do what the government tells them. Because the are to dumb to do anything else. And yes she had a degree from S.U.

  4. She doesn't understand that she will be expected to pay the bill thru tax increases. Like most young people, the current thinking is, "What's in it for me now". Very few think of retirement years or saving for the future. The mindset is, "Let the government take care of me"!

  5. Did Bob Culver see this?


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