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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Biden: Hillary Didn’t Recognize 'Gravity' Of Setting Up Private Email Server

In a preview from and interview that will air on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Vice President Joe Biden defended Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of state for the Obama administration.

Biden said, “Well, I think it’s a combination of a couple of things. One, I don’t think she understood the gravity of setting it up. She thought it was you know this is okay to do. This woman has been so battered over 30 years. I think then when faced with, ‘This is a problem,’ I think instead of just cutting it and dealing with it immediately, there’s always an inclination to overthink it.”



  1. Joe will not do an interview unless he has received the questions before that interview.He specified that during his final year as VP he deserved to know what would be asked of him.Of course the MSM complied,because he has nothing to lose by NOT giving them an interview.

  2. Biden, you're such a wimpy, whiny tool.

  3. Baloney, Biden. She knew exactly what she was doing and how illegal it was, and thought that she'd never have to answer for it.
    Your running interference for her puts you deep into that bucket of slime, slime that you won't be washing off anytime soon.

  4. Coming from Delaware's equivalent to a Chicago Mob boss, this makes all of us feel so much better.

  5. Oh she knew Full well what she was doing.
    She just did not think she would get caught.
    Turns out though...she DID
    When too many people are involved in something the secrets
    will come out eventually......

  6. Oh, she knew what she was doing...very well in fact...it
    was Not simply a mistake ....Not hardley
    Also Bill as president used Private servers and so did
    Colon Powell....they all knew damn well what they were doing
    they are not Kids born yesterday....They taught her how to do it..

  7. She turned the Gov't into Her Mafia to work for her
    She and Bill had more Power than the President/Congress/Justice Dept/ Military you name it....
    She was the First female DON

  8. Teflon Don !!! Just like one named John Gotty !!!!

  9. Biden, please go home. Nothing you say is true and nothing makes sense. just go away.


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