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Friday, October 14, 2016

Berlin vandal back in district court for probation violation

Jordan Denton, the eldest of three young people convicted for their involvement in the January 2015 overnight spray painting spree that caused thousands of dollars in damage to Berlin residents’ cars and town facilities, is scheduled to return to district court in December for allegedly violating her probation.

According to court documents, Denton failed to submit to drug and alcohol screenings and pay the associated costs. This condition of her probation was added back in June, when a new deal was struck between the state and Denton, after a previous probationary hearing.

Court records show Denton tested positive for alcohol and marijuana use on Aug. 9, the second time she’s failed this particular screening while on probation.

She then failed to show for treatment twice in August and six times in September.



  1. Just throw her in the klink leopards never change their spots some good time in the klink only chance to change people.

  2. sooooo let's just keep giving her a slap on the wrist while we worry about the important things in life like facebook, snapchat, etc. This is hardly news. Happens all the time. I do not have an answer but our criminal justice system is broke from enforcement to police conduct to police being afraid to police (verb), from judges who have their own substance abuse problems, to overcrowded jails, to lack of treatment facilities of "treatment on demand". Sorry folks, its getting worse. Now we have heroin, no respect, no civility, no values. But the news will get even worse in 3 weeks.....as either Hillary or Donald will be elected president. Damn - is this the best this country can do?

  3. There's contempt here, not just violation of probation.

  4. She laughed in public and on social media about the whole incident, and checked into a clinic for a fabricated eating disorder to get out of her community service. She's a winner.

  5. Maybe an ankle bracelet is next on her list of fashion accessories.

  6. Does this child have parents?

    1. Yes she has parent. That is why she keeps getting off of all of this because they have money and are white!

  7. Jail her. That's the purpose of probation. Either comply or get in a cage.

  8. Max sentence for the original crime and an additional sentence for contempt of court! She obviously has no remorse or respect! And there are plenty of places to go for community service. Fire co, police station, dept of social services, hospital, parks n rec, I can go on and on!

  9. As a resident of Berlin - She SOOOOO needs to pay the money, cause that's my TAX dollars that had to pay for the clean up!! Btw, Doesn't she work @ TJMaxx?! Saw her there are few times. Every time she was on register I would not go to her cause I was afraid, I wouldn't keep my mouth shut!! Hanging up on your probation officer?! Really?! Pay back the rest and clean up your life!!!


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