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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Are Hillary’s Eyes Cattywampus?

TUCSON, Ariz., Oct. 25, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health have been subdued after her three debate performances. She presented her ability to survive 4-and-a-half hours on a stage with Donald Trump as proof of sufficient stamina to serve as commander-in-chief.

“She evidently intended this as a joke, although I suspect our combat veterans would not be amused,” states AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D.

Videos are, however, circulating on the internet, from her rather brief and rare appearances in public, which are purported to show pathological eye movements.

“These are quick, episodic, and inconsistent,” states Dr. Orient, who is an internist. “So we decided to ask doctors on our email list to have a look at one of the videos. A helpful tool is to paste the URL intohttp://RowVid.com and watch it at half or quarter speed.”

Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they saw abnormal movements. Only 15% did not, and 21% were unsure. There are long segments in which the eye movements appear normal.

About 60% of those who saw abnormal movements thought “the cause could be a potentially disabling neurological condition,” and none of them were willing to say that it isn’t.



  1. Did anyone watch the video (Linked by "one of the videos") and see what I think I saw? Her people are behind her, right? The man on the right, over her left shoulder, is texting. He finishes, then makes eye contact with someone out of the camera shot that appears to be possibly with the press. He then taps his phone, maybe indicating the person should check his/her phone because he just sent him/her something? (Just after two minutes into video) All of that was after he typed something and showed it to the woman in red (Andrea Mitchell?) who then asks a question.

  2. She looked like a lizard with those eyes looking in opposite directions when talking about the FBI today. I busted a gut watching her squirming in front of the camera.

  3. She looked like a lizard with those eyes looking in opposite directions when talking about the FBI today. I busted a gut watching her squirming in front of the camera.


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