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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Anne Arundel Co. Detention Centers May Soon Be Housing Illegal Immigrants

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Empty cells at Anne Arundel County Detention Centers may soon be filled, all while earning the county millions of dollars.

Anne Arundel County is in negotiations to house undocumented immigrants that are awaiting deportation. And although things aren’t final, immigration advocates say this is a slippery slope.

County Executive Steve Schuh has been working out a deal with U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, ICE, to use the 130 free beds at the county jail to house undocumented immigrants facing deportation.

County Spokesman Owen McEvoy says it could bring in millions for the county.



  1. If they are illegal by definition they should be deported if any kind of record of crime we do not need them in this country. If their time here has been one of good citizenship and hard work, no bad record, then they should be allowed citizenship.

  2. 130 is what, 2 or 3 busses? Rent them and drive them across the border!

  3. Put hillary,huma,weiner in there.


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