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Thursday, October 06, 2016

After Tim Kaine Loses VP Debate, New Doubts About Hillary

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) lost badly to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate — despite having home field advantage in Farmville, Virginia — raising new doubts about Hillary Clinton.

Those doubts are twofold: first, about her decision to choose so weak a candidate, who seemed unable to answer basic policy questions; and second, about Clinton’s health, since if her medical troubles are as bad as feared, Kaine may be taking over at some point if she is elected.

Kaine could not stop interrupting Pence, at times sounding high-pitched and shrill, at times whining and defensive. Pence was cool and even-tempered — presidential, in other words, while Kaine seemed to be playing cable news pundit.



  1. Kaine sounded like a village idiot on speed.

  2. Most democratic voters cannot handle complex thinking that would entail putting together - Hillary sick - Kaine an idiot - Kaine might become president! They are still too busy worrying about the republicans trying to take women's rights away!!

  3. Hillary couldn't find someone that wouldn't make her look dumber than she is, so she opted for someone that makes her look like a genius.

  4. So did you see chelsea Clinton stated this during a question concerning illegals and getting imsurance thru Obamacare???

    "She does not believe that while we are working towards comprehensive immigration reform we should make people wait, like the families you are talking about,” Chelsea continued. “Which is why she thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status.”
    Like my 1000.00 a month I pay for insurance coverage isnt bankrupting me already ...

  5. Chelsea means the other Affordable Care Act, the one that Hillary will craft, with benefits free for the taking after a $1.39 co-pay, which can be waived with a verbal request in the language of ones' choice.

  6. She chose her running mate poorly and agreed he's a fool, and dimwhitted at that.


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