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Friday, October 28, 2016

Adopted and brought to US, South Korean man to be deported

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — A South Korean man flown to the U.S. 37 years ago and adopted by an American couple at age 3 has been ordered deported back to a country that is completely alien to him.

“It is heartbreaking news,” said Dae Joong (DJ) Yoon, executive director of the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium, who had been in contact with Adam Crapser.

Crapser remains confined in an immigration detention center in Tacoma, Washington, pending his deportation.

Crapser waived an appeal during the hearing Monday because he is desperate to get out of detention, his Seattle attorney, Lori Walls, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

“I’m sure he doesn’t have any idea what he can do in Korea,” Yoon said in a phone interview from his group’s offices in Annandale, Va.



  1. and yet if he was Muslim and had raped someone he could stay

  2. See ya. Don't worry your kids and wife are legal and WE will pay for them through our taxes.

  3. This is a sad story, but there's nothing that can be done. If we make an exception for him, we have to make an exception for others. No good.

  4. When he was adopted he should a have gotten citizenship..automatically.Why that didn't happen ,is why he is in this predicament. .foster services dropped the ball..still he has been on trouble..a lot..so maybe he should go.

    1. I was wondering that myself. It seems ridiculous if conveying citizenship isn't part of the overseas adoption process.

  5. Either you are a citizen, and pay taxes, you do not belong here, I do have compassion for your family, but, all of you know the rules. Sorry, you are using our country to benefit your needs, but, sorry, your free ride is over. Become an American and be a real man, get a job...Be legal, no problem,,Please pay your taxes like we have all our life..okay? The End


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