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Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Weather man being fired 10-19-16

Sounds like the man needs help so get him help, don't fire him. Firing him could do more harm than good, we pray you get him help.


  1. One DUI means he needs help? Was there more to this I missed?

    1. Do the right thing fire Dan keep Brian!

  2. I agree with this statement. I think he does a great job as a weatherman, is professional and friendly. I would hate to see someone else do the morning weather report. I had a Dui over thirty years ago, I had to tell my employer about it the following Monday and eat crow!! I was able to keep my job and I paid the price with high insurance rates for over ten years, and a high fine, and court costs as well as probation and counseling that I had to attend. I think everyone deserves a second chance.

  3. Tell him to apply at ECI.....everybody gets to go to Rehab....no questions,no hassles....PRTY ON DUDE....GET STONED....WHOA

    1. Zorro..try to not be such a jerk.

    2. Such an ass wipe thing to say.

  4. Firing is not the right thing! What has happened to employee assistance help plans with an employer???

  5. 11:23 AM I find your statement dubious. 30 years ago a dui was no big deal.

  6. Wow, seriously? First they out him on the 6:00 news now they're going to fire him? WBOC must be a great place to work!

  7. I have stayed out of this, don't care for him on TV. Seem's like at the end he hauls butt away from Mr. Steve Hammond before a farewell is given.
    But, what I want to know is why anyone assumes he will loose the job. Is it a job requirement to operate a motor vehicle to forecast the future temperature?
    For instance you will need a license to hold your job if you drive a bus for a living.

  8. Mike Phillips got help and got sober the weather man can too.

  9. Firing before being found guilty? We are now in a Commonest country?

  10. Give his man an opportunity to keep his position...send him to rehab if necessary. One DUI should not cost him his career. Many people have had a single DUI without having a drinking problem!

  11. We have become SO brainwashed that now we are asked to think that a man "needs help" because of ONE DUI??

    The police and our "leaders" have made the standard of DUI so low that a beer will get you arrested. Its all about the money, people.
    The SECOND DUI is an indicator one needs help.
    NOT the first one.
    But then again, I have often underestimated the number of mistake-free, totally perfect, better-than-everyone-else finger pointers who know, without any doubt, EVERYONE ELSE'S faults.
    Cheer your greatness.

  12. 1200 excellent point. We do have a thing called presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law! No repercussions should occur until his guilt is assigned beyond a reasonable doubt.

  13. he should not be fired for making a bad choice on his personal time

  14. Just so that we can clear the air on this whole situation. The reason the man is getting fired isn't because he just got a DUI it's because he got a DUI in a company vehicle. This is first-hand knowledge. You can't think you're not going to get pulled over just because you're in a Ford escape that says W BOC TV 16 down the side of it. It says down the side DelMarva's news leader. Not Delmar buzz drunk drivers

  15. You people are the worst writers i have ever seen. You are adults that can't write a complete sentence. One mistake should not cost him his job.

  16. Are you all aware of just how easy it is to test beyond the legal limit? Some people can test positive over the limit with less than one drink. Therefore, the real law is don't drink period and then operate a motor vehicle. It's so easy to get busted for this and yet, everyone wants to slam dunk the guy into rehab? What is your problems? It's not like WBOC pays enough for their anchors to be chauffeured around like CNN, MSNBC or Fox.

  17. WBOC doesn't pay enough to pay the salary of a driver!

  18. Don't fire him. He made a poor choice.

  19. 11:39
    I was 20 years old, so they threw the book at me because I was just twenty. I also worked as a patrolman for the police department. I was given probation, but has a requirement of my probation, I had to attend alcohol counseling and driver improvement classes even though it was a first offense. I also had to go in the following morning to beg for my job and tell them what had happened. They gave me a chance, I think Brian deserves a second chance.
    I was young and stupid, and I paid for my mistake.

  20. 1209 thanks for filling out the rest of the story's fact chain.

    This fact makes a huge difference regarding punitive actions on his employer's lot. See what happens when you only get half-assed facts, you get half-assed comments.

    Eureka we have contact.

  21. Fire him? So everybody that ever gets a DUI should automatically be fired from their job I guess?

  22. 1217 after 1209's comment you have no excuse for your ignorance.

  23. If he was in a company vehicle.. why on Case Search does it say 01 or 02 Toyota on the vehicle make/model???

  24. Stick with brian fire Dan!

  25. He can thank M.A.D.D soon there will be no alchol in mouthwash.

  26. The commenter was saying please don't fire him. Where has an announcement been made that he was fired?

  27. Most National Companies that I worked for could not really fire someone with any substance abuse including drugs but rather they were required by corporate to offer substance abuse treatment. In most cases if completed and that person went back to his or her vice they were then terminated. He for sure should not be fired and if he is then WBOC should be boycotted.

  28. He Not being fired
    He one of the press WBOC

    The press would have you all over TV if you did what he did
    but when it's one of them it is swept under the rug

    More Favoritism just like Hillary gets a Pass

  29. Just get high. No test for that.

  30. One Question

    Did D A N say it would be Like This ??????

  31. Drunk Dads Against Mad Mothers = DDAMM

  32. Hillary has done far worse and look where she is.....


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